Category Archives: News

New journal published: “World of Trails”

The World Trails Network (WTN) has published the first issue of “World of Trails”.  Robert Searns, editor, states in his welcome note:

This publication is the first global resource of its kind, serving trail advocates, designers, planners, trail managers, tourism industry professionals, national economic development agencies and, of course, trail enthusiasts from around the world.  Our goal is to offer, on a regular basis, with this digital magazine, current information about trails, featured trails in many nations, access to trails development resources, a forum for exchange on trail matters and much more.

Check it out for an international perspective on the WTN’s movement to bring advocates and experts together around the world and to promote high quality trails worldwide.

“Hiking Trails in America: Pathways to Prosperity” AHS report June 2015

The American Hiking Society has issued a valuable overview report on the status and future of our hiking trails.  Here is the description from their web site:

American Hiking Society is pleased to announce it’s publication of Hiking Trails in America: Pathways to Prosperity, a report that answers the need for a one-stop source for readily understood information about America’s hiking trails and the myriad of benefits these trails offer the nation. Hiking Trails in America provides information about the evolution of hiking trails in the U.S., the trails community, the benefits of trails, and in the 2015 inaugural issue, the economic benefits of trails, which are surprisingly significant.

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“Leaving only footsteps? Think Again” NYTimes opinion piece

Take note of interesting opinion piece “Leaving only footprints? Think Again” reporting on research the impact of walking on wildlife.  Published as an  opinion piece in the New York Times on February 15, 2015 by Christopher Solomon, this piece will make you think again about the impact of humans in the wilderness.

Welcome to!

h2h is a work in progress, but we’ve finally launched!  The website is a call to community,  information exchange, research, debate, and discussion.  It will be successful to the extent readers join the conversation!

With 21 posts, articles and news items, this first “issue” of HutMag provides a sense of what we are about.  We’ll continue to publish new content monthly for the next few years and see where it leads.  Our other primary section is Operational Profiles.

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Over-snow Vehicle Rule issued by US Forest Service

Finally!  Conflict on trail use between skiers and snowmobilers has been addressed with a new US Forest Service (USFS) rule: the Over-Snow Vehicle (OSV) Travel Management Rule Revision.  10 years in the making, the final OSV Rule revisions were published in the Federal Register on January 28, 2015.  Also included in this notice are summary responses to some of the 20,000 comments received during the public comment period.

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New model emerging in Adirondacks

Planning is underway for an integrated trails and lodging system in the nation’s largest park and largest state-level protected area .  The Adirondack Community-based Trails and Lodging System (ACTLS) has received a $220,000 grant from the New York State Department of State, with funds provided under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund Act.  This grant will be matched by ACTLS’s.  ALCTS home page states:

the unique assets and amenities of the Adirondack Park can be leveraged to attract a global marked of outdoor recreators and provide recreation opportunities that improve the quality of life for Adirondack residents.  We hope you will join us in planning a world-class trail and lodging system.

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Colorado Hut and Yurt Alliance

Colorado is on a roll!  With about 130 huts and yurts statewide, the owners formed an alliance (the first of its kind in the USA) in 2014 to exchange information and explore common cause.  The alliance has developed a website and meets periodically to work towards increased visibility for the nation’s largest grouping of huts and yurts.  The home page of the Colorado Hut and Yurt Alliance provides a summary statement of the two year old group’s purpose:

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North Country Trail Route Adjustments – support requested

Two proposed adjustments to the route of the North Country Trail (NCT) would: 1. utilize more than 400 miles of existing trails in Minnesota (including the Superior Hiking Trail, the Border Route Trail,  and the Kekekabic Trail), and 2. extend the trail about 40 miles east of its present terminus to link to the Appalachian Trail in Vermont.

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