Gallery of photos by Jack Drury based on his ski tour in Sweden staying in several of the 300 lodgings of the Swedish Tourism Association (STF), an organization with over 300,000 members that maintains a variety of trails, huts and hostels.
Blahammaren Fjallstation (Mountain Lodge), the highest of SFT’s mountain stations at 1086m Sylama Fjalistation Emergency wind shelter between the two stations Trail Marker/guide post Four person bunk at Storulvan Fjalistation Ancient Swedish building at Jamtli Museum Swedish Tourism Association (STF) logo on everything, even mattress covers Storulvan Fjallstation Author, Jack Drury Wind shelter between to stations, and friendly locals Dining room at Blahammaren Fjallstation Hallway at Blahammaren Fjallstation Drying room Wind shelters Four person bunk room at Sylama Fjallstation Self-service dining area at Sylama Fjallstation Self-service kitchen at Sylama Fjallstation A Sami (indigenous Scandanavians) Gamme or Goahti (turf home) Same as previous Wind shelter between stations Wall of a restaurant in Raros, Norway, famous for historic copper mine Hearty breakfast Sauna at Blahammaren Fjallstation View from Storulvan Fjallstation